Getting into a law school, especially a prestigious one, can be tough. And it can be tougher to make the most of your law school programme and build a successful career after graduating. Plus, the cost of attending law school can add on to the pressure. In simple terms, if you do plan to attend law school, it's essential to succeed. With perseverance, work ethic, and the proper support, you can do so. Keep reading this blog to know about some of the best tips for success in law schools in India.
1. Don't procrastinate
Law programmes can be super long, challenging, and expensive. The workload usually is intense, heavy and rigorous; it's easy to get overwhelmed. So, if you are wondering how to be successful in law school, DO NOT PROCRASTINATE.
Do not wait for pushbacks or deadlines. Avoid putting off a problem until it's an emergency. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to succeed.
2. Networking is the key
Networking is essential for success in any field. Why? It helps you meet people, build relationships, learn about opportunities and support others in their lives. In law school, networking becomes more important because you will be in a highly human-intensive sector, be it in a company's legal department, courtrooms, or negotiation tables. Keep looking out for and build valuable relationships both professionally and personally.
For instance, a professor who knows a hiring manager at a law firm may be willing to help you set up a meeting. Additionally, a professor who's a member of the bar association might be able to give insights about what you can expect after graduation or weigh in on career concerns you may have. However, you should also remember that superficial networks do not work. So, invest your time, mind and effort in network building.
3. Do your research, make it a habit
Law is a dynamic field, with the boundary of knowledge expanding almost every day. Unless you have an aptitude for researching facts and figures, it will not be easy to succeed in the legal profession. Your research can start with what type of law you want to practice, what kind of job you want, and what opportunities are present. The practice of research also helps in building networks.
4. Stay focussed and motivated
Why are you in law school? Many students are attracted to law schools because they think it will allow them to do something they want. On the other hand, some students hope to use law school as an opportunity to get a job they don't want. Whatever your motivation is, it's essential to stay motivated. If you don't like where you are or what you're doing, it's much more challenging to succeed.
5. Learn practical time management skills
This is one of the most important tips for law students. Studying for any law programme involves a lot of work, and it can be very challenging and exhausting. Unfortunately, some students don't prepare for the kind of work they'll be facing. You always need time management tricks and tips to help you stay productive and on time.
6. Find an internship or job during your final year
Some law schools offer paid internships or summer jobs during your final year. There are many corporate houses that recruit interns in their legal departments too. Such opportunities can be a great way to gain practical work experience while in you are in a law college. You'll also get the opportunity to network with professionals, get valuable feedback and secure jobs after programme completion.
7. Put together a study plan
Studying for law school is a lot about overcoming unforeseeable challenges. That's why it's essential to have a study plan. A study plan will help you organise your time and set realistic goals. The key to crafting a study plan is to figure out how much time you need to get the work done. Don't try to cram in too much work or expect to do it all at once. Remember, you have a life outside of law school as well. It's important to make time for friends, hobbies, and family without ignoring coursework.
8. Focus on your strengths
The best law colleges, top law programmes and an army of expert professors - none of these will matter unless you don't apply yourself. Law school can be challenging, even for the best students. That's why you need to focus on your strengths. What are your core strengths? What are you good at? What do you enjoy doing? If you know what areas you're strong in, you'll be better prepared to succeed in law programmes.
9. Collaborate with professors
In top colleges, law professors are more than willing to help you with critical areas of legal studies. Collaborate with them, respect them, and show them your genuine interests in law—request professors for feedback and guidance.
10. Stay active in the legal community
You will come across different legal communities with diverse interests and passions in various law-related extracurricular activities during your time at in a law college. So, research about the communities related to your areas of interest, join them, and participate actively. It can offer tremendous networking and learning opportunities outside your regular coursework.
11. Learn persuasive writing, especially emails and blogs
We can never overemphasise the importance of writing skills in professional life, especially in the legal profession. Consider it as one of the best first-year law school tips. You need to know how to persuade through texts–legal drafts, email and blogs. The last two are very helpful in self-promotion and personal brand building. Take time and invest serious efforts in learning persuasive writing as a law student.
12. Don't let money stop you
Money is essential and limited. However, you should not stop taking a decision or pursuing a professional interest because it is expensive. Weigh it against the benefits. Try to estimate the future value the decision might offer, and if that justifies the cost, do not ignore it. Many colleges also offer scholarships to make life easy for you.
13. Don't sweat the small stuff
Life has its setbacks. Do not let minor misfortunes bog down your motivation. No matter how much you struggle, some things will always be beyond your control. Overcome them to advance your way to success in law schools.
14. Don’t confine yourself to the classroom
Your law college classroom is not the end of the world as far as learning is concerned. Plan things outside of classrooms and try to absorb anything and everything you get to learn. For example, visit courtrooms and follow actual case proceedings.
15. Don't let law school intimidate you
Law schools can be particularly intimidating if you are not from a family with a legal background. Don't worry. The field welcomes anyone with an interest and passion in law.
Do you know any other top tips for success in law school? Let us know what we have missed mentioning here on how to be successful in law school. Also, if you are still wondering which law school to go for or which one will make it a little easy for you to succeed as a lawyer, consider RNB Global University. Our BA LLB programme is well-recognised among legal professionals and recruiters. You can also
contact our friendly academic counsellors for more information.