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Jan 28, 2021
About Webinar
The webinar will deliberate basic concepts and definitions of Intellectual Property (IP) and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and why IPR is an integral part of any business strategy. The need for biotechnology startups has been increased especially during these hard times, their unique technology and research are acting as a vaccine for the country's development
Importance of webinar for the students:
Resource Persons
Smt. Anila Choraira
Ms Rimjhim Mathur
Ms Megha Khandelwal
Dr Sarika Gupta
Ms Preeti Bhatnagar
Course Contents
The webinar aims to provide students a clear picture of recent trends and scope of IPR as well as providing information about biotechnology startups. Following are webinar highlights:
Session Details
The webinar had started on 28th January, 2021 at 11:00 AM at Online Platform of Webax. 20 student of B.Sc. Biotechnology and B Sc Agriculture attended the webinar.
The webinar was divided into five sessions.
In first session Ms Rimjhim Mathur told about IPR, Trademark, process of trademark, copy rights, Designs, WIPO, Plant variety and Geographical indication
Second Session taken by Megha Khandelwal and given lecture on Role of IPR in Biotechnology, Human ford, property right of literature, right by government to protect the product.
Third session taken by Smt. Anila Choraira, she share information about schemes in MSME and product cost
Fourth session taken by Dr Sarika Gupta, share information about Greenathan Technologies, their product (Biozyme), their copy rights and policy
Fifth session taken by Ms Preeti Bhatnagar, she given lecture on Biotechnology Entrepreneurship, Tulsi and Honey Product, use of natural product against artificial product for flavor, Registration Process in MSME, FASSI Registration process