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One Day Visit on “National Seed Project, SKRAU-Bikaner"

Feb 19, 2020

About the visit

RNB Global University has organized a one-day visit on 19th February, 2020 to NSP, SKRAU- Bikaner. For better learning, time to time field visits are equally rather more important than classroom study. Though for doing anything practically, its theoretical knowledge is very necessary. Keeping in view this aspect, time to time field visits are arranged for the students.

Education is the process by which an individual is encouraged and enabled to fully develop his or her potential; it may also serve the purpose of equipping the individual with what is necessary to be a productive member of society. Through teachinag and learning the individual acquires and develops knowledge and skills.

The term education is often used to refer to formal education. However, the word's broader meaning covers a range of experiences, from formal learning to the building of understanding and knowledge through day to day experiences. Ultimately, all that we experience serves as a form of education. All colleges and universities aim to impart quality education for all aspirants. Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University concisely aims to impart and promote agricultural knowledge to Modern Indian students.

Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University is authorized to provide instructions in Agriculture and Allied Sciences which include Horticulture, Home Science and Agri-Business Management. It has also been authorized in other fields of agricultural learning, which the University may deem fit. It is empowered to maintain academic institutions, dealing with agriculture, home science, agri-business management, etc., to carry out instructions in these faculties, hold examinations, and confer degree, diplomas, pertaining to professional qualifications.

Educational visit is considered as one of the tactical methods of teaching. The main reason behind this- it lets student to know things practically through interaction, working methods and employment practices. Moreover, it gives exposure from academic point of view. Main aim educational visit is to provide an exposure to students about practical working environment .They also provide students a good opportunity to gain full awareness about industrial practices. Through industrial visit students get awareness about new technologies. Technology development is a main factor, about which a students should have a good knowledge. Visiting different companies actually help students to build a good relationship with those companies. We know building relationship with companies always will always help to gain a good job in future. After visiting an industry students can gain a combined knowledge about both theory and practical. Students will be more concerned about earning a job after having an industrial/ educational visit.

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