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Jan 17, 2022
RNB Global University’s School of Commerce and Management organized the Webinar titled “Skills required for Digital Entrepreneur ” on 17th Jan 2022.
The session commenced with the welcome address given to Resource Person –Mr. Gaurang Shetty, faculty members, to all the students and introduction of the topic by Saloni Tiwari -Student-BBA-VI semester.
Dr. Shashi Singhal –Dean-SOCM welcomed the guest speaker and spoke about the importance of Digital Entrepreneur. She emphasized that the webinar is conducted to familiarize the students with the fundamentals for selling consumer products online, resulting in the creation of their own e-commerce site. The objective of this workshop is to equip participants with an understanding of how to successfully build and run a start up.
Mr. Gaurang Shetty started the session stating that we focus on mindset, skill set and culture, and the discovery of new business opportunities. For E-commerce and businesses online today, content is key. After this they discuss the best practices and creatively collaborate on alternate content strategies, product features, merchandising and marketing tactics for an existing or fictional business. In this webinar the invited guest encouraged the students who are aspiring and establishing e-commerce entrepreneurs with the strategies and tactics necessary to launch and grow a successful e-commerce business.
He also stated that with the increasing popularity of shows like Shark Tank and the ease of setting up an online business, people are more than ever interested in setting up their own online business. He talked about entrepreneurship and important factors that need to be considered when building a start up.
In this webinar, students learn about an overview of existing content strategies, user experience, discovery, and metrics in current business models.
Saloni Tiwari-Student-BBA-VI Semester gave vote of thanks for the event. The event was successful and it rightly benefited all those who attended it.
No. of registered Participants: 32