Latest News:
Location:- Seminar Hall
This is to inform you that RNBGU’s - Training and Placement Cell is organizing “LifeSkills” -CSR Activity of Barclays Training Program. This program will help students to improve employability skills. Life skills would help them significantly to increase their chance of succeeding in a job interview. The training program will build competencies, which would help the students to seek careers and prosper in their career of choice. The training will bring excitement into learning by developing and harnessing the student curiosity and intrinsic motivation for learning. The details of the training program will be as follows:
Date: 17th Oct 2023 – 20th Oct 2023
Timings: 9:30am to 3:30pm
Venue: Seminar Hall
Kindly go through the attached program details in the attached word file.
Apply for Registration:
** All the respective faculty class mentors are required to ensure the interested students registration and their presence in the event.
** Also, Class mentors ensure to submit the attendance @ Training and Placement Cell.
KINDLY NOTE: All present University students can join the session at their own interest. Accordingly, inform your class mentors. The classes will run as per Timetable.
For applying, you may contact Dr. Meenakshi Sharma @
Training and Placement Cell- First floor- Admin Block