Latest News:
Location:- RNB Global University
All the Students of Faculty of Law & Arts are hereby informed that an Extension lecture on Relation between Municipal Law & International Lawis scheduled on 17.10.2023.
Here is the Detail:-
Name : Prof Chandan Bala Jain
Duration : 60 minutes
Audience : All Students and faculty members of Law
Venue : Room No 215, Academic Block-I, RNB Global University
Time Slot : 17th October 2023, 10 A.M. to 11 A.M.
Faculty- In-Charge : Mr R P Sachdeva
Topic of Lecture : Relation between Municipal Law & International Law
Brief Introduction of Speaker- Prof. Chandan Bala Jain is working as Professor in Faculty of Law, JNY University, Jodhpur. She is having teaching & research experience of 33 Years. She has presented many papers and attended more than 45 conferences etc.