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Location:- RNB Global University
All the students are hereby informed that the Faculty of Law & Arts is going to conduct the Extention lecture on ADR 17 August 2023. The details are as follows:
Name of the Expert: Chaturjbhuj Saraswat
Date:17.08.2023( Thursday)
Duration: 120 Minutes
Audience: All students and faculty members of the Faculty of Law & Arts
Venue: Room No. 215
Time Slot: 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM
Faculty-In-Charge: 1. Dr. Bharat Jajra (Associate Professor, Faculty of Law & Arts)
2. Ms. Tripti Paliwal (Ass. Prof., Faculty of Law & Arts)
Topic of Interaction: Alternative dispute resolution.
Brief Introduction of Speaker: Mr. Chaturjbhuj Saraswat sir has eight-year experience in the District legal service authority (ADR ). He has 28 years of experience in advocacy.